ITR-2 Filing

itr2 FilingIn


Income tax return filing for persons having DIN or owing private limited company shares.

Income tax return filing for persons having capital gains.


Income tax return filing for persons having foreign assets or foreign income.

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Income Tax - ITR2 - Filing

Who can file Form ITR-2?

  • Income from Salary/Pension
  • Income from House property ( can be from more than one house property)
  • Income from Capital gains
  • Income from other sources (Lottery, bets on horses, and other gambling)
  • Foreign Assets/Foreign Income
  • Agricultural income more than Rs.5000
  • A resident is not an ordinary resident and an NRI.
  • Also, a director of any company and an individual who is invested in unlisted equity shares of a company should file their returns in ITR-2

Who is not eligible to file Form ITR-2?

  • Any individual or Hindu Undivided Family with income that is fully or partially earned from the business or profession.
  • Individuals that are eligible to file ITR 1 Form.
  • Individuals who are partners in a Partnership Firm.

What documents are required to file ITR 2 returns?

  • Copy of the previous year’s tax return
  • Bank Statement
  • TDS Certificate
  • Savings Certificate/ Deductions
  • Interest Statement that shows the interest that is paid throughout the year.
  • Balance sheet, P & I, Account Statement, and other Audit reports wherever they are applicable.

How to file Form ITR 2?

The ITR 2 Form can be filed with the Income Tax Department either online or offline:

  • Either by furnishing the return in a paper for. When paper returns are made at the time of submission of the paper returns an acknowledgment is issued by the Income Tax Department to the assessee.
  • By furnishing the return electronically using the Digital Signature. ITR 2 forms are submitted by the assessee electronically using the Digital Signature Certificate an acknowledgment is received to the registered Email Id.
  • It can also be done by transmitting the data in the return electronically under an electronic verification code.
  • It can be done by transmitting the data in the return electronically and thereafter submitting the verification of the return in Form ITR V.
  • By furnishing a bar-coded return.